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How to setup your development environment to develop muzima.

You will need the following to have your environment ready

Some of this installation are OS specific between Windows, Linux and Mac os X. Where necessary refer to your OS specific documentation.


You will need to install Java JDK in order to develop around muzima.

Android SDK

Install the Android SDK as described here. You will need to pick your OS specific installation.


You will need to learn how to use git. Git Tuturials is a nice place to begin.  Install and configure git for your operating system. If you prefer a graphical tool, SourceTree is a good tool while most of the IDEs have a VCS plugin that will give you graphical experince with Git.


All mUzima projects are built, compiled and packaged using Maven except mUzima android that uses gradle.  You will have to install and configure maven v3.0.5 (there are known issues with later versions) for your operating system - instructions can be found here.


mUzima android project is built, compiled, packaged and tested using gradle. You need to install and configure gradle for your respective operating system using installation instruction found here.


Install your preferred IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  1. IntelliJ IDEA - (Recommended) v2016.1 is highly tested and is being used by the core developers
    Use the Step By Step Instructions to configure your Intellij IDEA for mUzima development. 
  2. Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  3. Android Studio - Based on IntelliJ IDEA but offers more features that enhance your productivity when building Android apps.
  4. Netbeans IDE - Not tested

OpenMRS Modules:

Refer to this link to setup an environment to develop OpenMRS modules.

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