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mUzima APK version 2.8.0 is the latest release APK available on Google Play Store. The APK retains the features and improvements of the previous version. 

mUzima APK version 2.8.0 Release new features and improvements (30, March, 2022).

  • The ability to assign multiple patients to a counselor in one transaction,
  • The ability to filter patients by their address, whether they have a sexual partner or their assignment status
  • The new version also enables the viewing of concepts (and coded observations) in the language corresponding to the app/device language setting. In case the language is switched, the app changes displayed concept names to the new language setting (for the languages that concepts are available in, otherwise it displays the default language).

mUzima APK version 2.7.5 Release new features and improvements (28, October, 2021).

  • This version comes with the ability to process obs comments in form data,
  • Ability to remove client records voided at OpenMRS side, and
  • Ability to consolidate temporary registration records on the mobile side with the new record created in OpenMRS.

mUzima APK version 2.7.3 Release new features and improvements (23, March, 2021).

  • Ability to show form update status for form metadata updated on the server.
  • Bug fixes and UI enhancement for improved user experience.

mUzima APK version 2.6.0 Release new features and improvements (Released 1, July, 2020).

  • The download of a subset of a cohort filtered by location or/and provider
  • Setup configuration level settings
  • Support for opening a form from another form
  • Support for defining relationships within a registration form 
  • Support for picking GPS locations from within a form
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Besides the new features and improvements in the latest release, mUzima App has been developed to achieve the following;

Interoperability with OpenMRS™

  • Seamless registration and encounter-level data collection. 
  • Robust error resolution mechanisms for transmitted data.
  • Ability to handle static and dynamic cohorts.
  • Robust form versioning, categorization and transmission.
  • Modalities for saving data bundles through transmission of differences between server and mobile device (handling of delta).
  • Mechanism to customize amount of data to download on device (i.e. robust handling of concepts).


  • User authentication mechanism.
  • Automatic time-outs and customization mechanism.
  • Device-level data encryption.
  • Secure data transmission to central server.
  • Ability to handle password changes in settings without reliable connectivity.


  • User-centered design.
  • Supports multiple versions of Android – 4.4 and above.
  • Allows multiple font sizes based on user preferences.
  • Ability to zoom in-and-out of forms.
  • Customizable and user-tailored cohorts.
  • No labels